The José Valdés Math Institute™ Academy Program

Who is it for?

The José Valdés Math Institute™ Academy Program has been established to help families whose children are struggling in math. We provide six weeks of math instruction for elementary and middle-school students. The Academy Program is intended to serve students from either Santa Clara County or San Mateo County who are one or more grade levels behind in their overall math proficiency and who are from low-income families.

About the curriculum

The José Valdés Math Institute™ curriculum is designed to support their effort to regain their math skills, and the goal is to have students improve at least one grade level by the end of the six-week program.  This is not watered-down math, but rather a rigorous program intended to enable every student to achieve success. We conduct our program on a college or university campus to inspire them and to make them aware that they too can attend college

Why choose Math this Summer?

We only teach math, because we strongly believe that being successful in math is the gateway to achieving success in other academic subjects as well.  In planning how you may spend Summer 2025, please invest in your son’s or daughter’s future by considering his/her enrollment in our Academy Program.  Planning and taking vacations are important, but, for your son or daughter, attending Valdés Math can be forever life changing.

How to Enroll

If your child currently attends one of our partnering school districts, then there is no cost for your child to attend our summer math program.  If you are interested in having your child attend our summer math program, then please contact your school/district staff and ask if they are participating with the José Valdés Math Institute.  If the answer is yes, then please ask your school/district staff to email you the registration link.  If the answer is no, then please contact us.